
Woodiwiss Painting is proud to offer professional painting services for Orinda residents. Whether you're looking to have a room or a deck painted, you can count on our top of the line painting services. No matter if you're moving to Orinda in the near future or if you've called Orinda home for decades, we can help you achieve the look that you want.

Quality Residential Painting Services in Orinda

Color is one of the best ways to change the ambiance in your home. The right wall color can make a space feel more open and airy or warm and welcoming. The right coat can protect your home and extend its life. While you may have planned to repaint your home for years, the fact is that it's a laborious project.

Instead of doing all of the preparation and painting on your own, hire a professional painting company. Woodiwiss relieves the stress that comes with DIY home projects. By hiring our team, you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the experience.

Whether you're looking to paint your kitchen cabinets or paint your home's exterior, you can count on us for top notch services. Not only are our services stress-free, they’re affordable!


We Go Beyond Painting

High Quality Residential Painting Services

Contact Us Today!
