Orinda House Painters
Woodiwiss Painting proudly provides painting services for our neighbors in Orinda. We offer both interior and exterior painting services for homeowners throughout the city, Whether you’re moving to the Orinda area and would like to update the home you’ve purchased, or you’re just looking to improve the look and value of your abode, we’d be happy to help. Feel free to reach out to us to get started! You can also continue reading to learn more about our painting services.
Interior and Exterior House Painting in Orinda
For over a decade, we’ve been serving residents throughout the area with painting services. We’re ecstatic to work throughout Orinda, providing professional, premier paint services that exceed each homeowner’s expectations.
Our mission is simple: We aim to care for your home to completely fulfill your utmost expectations, ensuring your satisfaction is our number one priority. While you're dropping off the kids at swim practice, we want you to know your home is in safe hands. If you're not happy, then our job is not done.
Take a look at our interior home painting gallery and our exterior painting gallery. Plus, our services don’t stop there — learn about our many additional services below.
Additional Services
On top of our traditional home painting services, we’re proud to offer a suite of services so that you can overhaul your home all in one fell swoop.
- We can provide color consultations to help you decide on the perfect color — whether you’re looking to match your interior furniture, or make your home fit in better with the hillsides here in Orinda.
- We also provide cabinet painting and finishing services, so you can update the whole of your kitchen and bathroom.
- We provide wallpaper removal too, for those with outdated wallpaper that has to go.
- Plus, we provide exterior wood finishing services, so you can take care of that fence, porch, and gazebo at the same time as we paint your home.
- We provide sheetrock repair as well, fixing up any holes, cracks, and dents you may have, before we apply a fresh coat of paint.
- Finally, we provide minor dry rot repair, as well as smoke- and water-damage sealing services for homes that have been damaged by flooding, fire, or stagnant moisture.
In short, you’ll only need to keep one number handy when you're giving your home a makeover: ours!
Call Today for Orinda House Painters
If you’re ready to transform your home, we’re eager to get started. Feel free to reach out to us to get started on the paint job of your dreams. Count on us for high-quality paints, high-quality service, and unbeatable customer satisfaction — call today!